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We conducted a free first aid course

We conducted a free first aid course for our partners in February at Zsolt Udvar Office Buildings after set up the defibrillator, our present to our customers for Christmas 2018. During the course, participants got not only basic first aid knowledge but learned also how to use a defibrillator.

AED (Automated External Defibrillator) – During the First Aid Course, we learned that ventricular fibrillation is responsible for the majority of circulatory arrest outside the hospital. The only effective treatment for ventricular fibrillation is defibrillation. With this defibrillation (shock), the chaotic electrical activity of the heart muscle is suppressed, and the electrical silence thus created gives the heart a chance to begin its own normal pacing.

A technical achievement of recent decades is the Automated External Defibrillator (AED), which allows defibrillation to be performed by a layman first, long before the ambulance arrives. This medical device can analyze the heart's rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm. The built-in security system prevents accidental or unjustified shocks.
It is of utmost importance for our company to provide our partners with a safer and up-to-date workplace environment in the Zsolt Udvar Office Buildings, thereby supporting our partners' responsible daily work.

Unfortunately in Hungary, every 30 minutes someone dies suddenly outside the hospital with sudden cardiac death. With timely care, most of them could still live. Emergency assistance is rarely available immediately; the average arrival time of rescuers in Hungary is 10-15 minutes, so the success of basic resuscitation may depend on the attitudes of the people on the scene.
It is crucial that a layman begins resuscitation as soon as possible. The chances of survival are greatly increased by the availability of an on-site auto-defibrillator, following the instructions of which laymen can professionally and effectively provide vital functions until an advanced level of assistance (rescue) is received. In the event of a sudden cardiac arrest, rarely is immediate help available, so basic resuscitation is the task of the street man.

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Buda-Office Kft.


Gábor Áron street 25., 1026 Budapest, Hungary
Main office phone number: +36 1 214 1087 (9-16h)
Phone number to place technical issues: +36 1 225 8388 (Zsolt-Udvar Office Building Reception, 0-24h)
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Buda-Office Kft. - BUDA OFFICE Budapest, irodák és lakóházak karbantartása, üzemeltetése
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